
Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

Pepino - Unique Fruit

          A unique fruit which has sweet taste and looks like eggplant with many benefits is Pepino. Not only it reduces constipation and keeps our digestion healthy, but also it can keep our vision healthy and prevents lack (deficiency) of vitamin C disease.

What is Pepino?

          Pepino (Solanum muricatum Aiton) is a fruit which is still in group or family of eggplant. It’s an eggplant alike, but different in color. With shape like round of egg, the weight can reach ¼ kg. Generally, basic color of it is green with brown stripes that can change to yellow or purple and white spots with dark lines.  
         This fruit has medium sweet taste and little sour, it’s like combined blewah (kind of melon) and melon taste.

Why is Pepino good for you?

          People believe that consuming pepino can heal some diseases, Examples diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, etc. Pepino has some benefits although it’s ripe or not. 
          High level dietary fiber in it can help digest system, prevent constipation, and bind carcinogenic substances which can trigger colon cancer in the gut.
          An average portion of pepino contains a useful amount of protein, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and Beta-Karoten. Making it a nutritious base for family dessert fruit.

How does Pepino help keep you healthy?

          Containing vitamin C, it can prevent from deficiency of vitamin C disease because it’s one of source vitamin C beside orange and mango. 
          Plant protein which contains can help keep digestion healthy and increase body resistance.
          Beta-Karoten is pro vitamin A that can change into vitamin A within our body. This vitamin is good for our vision and other metabolism. Beta-Karoten is also known as element which prevents cancer.
          Dietary fiber is important to decrease cholesterol rate. In gut, fiber will bind gall acid (result of cholesterol metabolism) and then throw out with feces. Consuming much fiber will increase gall acid and fats that can be out by our body.

Facts of Pepino (Nutrients in Pepino)
         Nutrients in 100 gram of Pepino according to experiment laboratory of Food Technology and Agriculture UGM, 2005 :

• Acid = 79,3308 mg                                                     • Fat = 0,0111 g
• Beta-Karoten = 26,6088 mg                                       • Dietary Fiber = 0,0779 g
• Vitamin C = 25,1194 mg                                             • Reduction Sugar = 3,3075 g
• Protein = 0,6473 g                                                      • Alcohol = 0

Storage and preserving…

• Keep it in refrigerator.
• Don’t store it in long time.

Quick ways with…

• It’s better to make fresh juice without adding sugar.
• It can be made as cocktail.
• It can be mixed in Salad.